Monday, April 1, 2019

Alpha Pi LFS Presentations

Based off this pledging process what did you learn that you can teach another person?
What can you take from APO that you can take to the real world?

  • Pbro interviews ( add them)
  • Ignacio represents LFS
  • Do you feel like we as a chapter do requirements to just do them or enjoy doing them
  • Will be active
  • Expresses ideas ( do you feel like you can do that as an active to make decisions and explain a situation where you had to do so) -  
  • More service opportunities
  • Do you feel like hours are a good way to measure service   ( not enough service opportunities) - more on impact
  • Do you feel like we as a chapter were able to guide you effectively to become an active brother ? -  
  • Are you coming back here for grad school? - will be here for a masters program

Mark Ho
  • Not enough service hours
  • Wants to pick up ( make them feel comfortable and a fun time)
  • We build leaders effectively
  • Before getting your big you mentioned you didn't feel close to actives after getting your big did you feel any closer to actives ( big gave him support, gotten closer by going to the union more)
  • Do we build leaders effectively? What can we do better? - yes ( opportunities of excomm, alive gbms)
  • What was a mistake you made and how did you grow and how will you take on challenges in the future? (
  • What have you learned that you can teach another person? ( more efficient leader, communicate more with others and respect other boundaries)
  • How can we give more options for pledges to contribute? (encourage them to go to the union,open the barrier)
  • What does it mean to be a leader in this chapter? Do you feel like you were able to learn everything you need to know to be an effective leader in this chapter? what? ( lead by example, trustworthy and you care, everything was organized.
  • Ic chapters can help us innovate.Do you feel like our chapter is trying to innovate or are we stagnant? (we are trying to innovate, compare and contrast)
  • If you had a really big idea that you really wanted to happen but wasn't getting the help what would you do ? ( ask as for as much help as you can )
How can you influence the active body to be more respectful ? ( use fear)

Are hours a good way to measure service? (

Angie Shaw
No showcase chair
It’s hard for you to talk to people. Do we have a welcoming environment? - yes, had situations where she could talk to new people
Wants to be historian
Previous business owner

Kelly Nguyen
How can we encourage people to be better leaders ? - give them advice and show them how it affects the chapter
How can you encourage others to show dedication? - she can try provide help ( give them a reason. If you are joining then you should actively participate.
What do you hope to teach a new pledge? - they know that this is a leadership, friendship and service place.

Leeann Tang
Voices her opinion more ( name a time and how you continue) showcase, tweaked
If you had a project that you really wanted to happen but the chapter wasn’t helpin what would you do? Go to the people willing to help, get her committee to help spread the word
More connection to services -
Is service more about what you do or fulfilling a requirement - find services that people connect to
How can we be one?
People need to keep an open mind, she can tell people to get to know the people that they are talking about

Jenny Lee
Do we give you the tools to be an effective leader ( people are mentioning they want to be on excomm but don't know enough) how did we fail at preparing you? - plexcomm helps, but not everyone. Committees are helpful
How did you voice your opinion and how can you continue to, name a scenario? - wanted to incorporate more in their showcase
Mentioned you wanted to be a counselor ( what do you hope to teach another individual that you learned here) - more open of other peoples feelings and more supportive
More pledge retreats
Pbro interviews
Did pledging affect your grades in any way? How can we help you succeed more in education? -  yes, on her part
What qualities do you feel like a good leader has ? - being considerate, stepping up to the plate, hasn't seen it in the active body

Stephanie Chu
  • Interview pbros
  • There are positions open would you take them ( where we able to prepare you ) -  more excomm meeting requirements
  • Do you see any flaws in the active body how can we fix it? - lack of communication, have the president say all the slides  
  • What's one thing you gained here that you can teach another person ? - communication
  • How can we make being active have that special feeling of pledging? - don't know because there is a lot of people
Leslie La
  • More outspoken ( was there ever a time you had to voice your opinion can you explain it more) - if she couldn't make pledge meetings would not say anything before spoke up later on  
  • Pbro interviews
  • Did we provide you enough tools to be an effective leader ? -
  • What steps can you take as an active to be more of a leader?
  • What qualities do we lack in the chapter? How do we fix that ? -  doesn't know
  • Knows what to expect to be an active
  • What does it mean to be a leader? - someone that is not afraid to guide the way, does see that here

  • More adaptable with working with others
  • What could we have don to make you more comfortable
  • Did you try to get to know people outside of interviews?
  • Is there anything that we can fix in this chapter ? - didnt go to GBM so doesnt know
  • Did we prepare you to be a leader during the pledging process ? - knows the cardinal principles so he feels he can show it
  • Is there any way we could have taught LFS better? ( mentioned no one represented that) -  gave the resources but didn't have enough time
  • What is one thing you learned through the process that you can take to the future?
  • Do you feel like you made an impact here ? why or why not? -  couldnt do much because he was a pledge
  • What assets do you bring to this chapter to help it grow other than diversity?